Making a "Brine” for meat

Making the brine; for EACH gallon of cold water, use:

1 cup    kosher salt (avoid common “iodized” table salt)
¼ to ½ cup    sugar
Thyme    one or more sprigs to taste
Bay leaf    one or more to taste
Onions    peeled and coarsely chopped one or more to taste
Optional:    Lemons or other citrus fruits; 2-4/gallon of water

 Peppercorns, chili peppers, garlic, cloves, etc...

Use a clean NON-METALLIC (no iron, aluminum, or other reactive) container!

Submerge the meat completely in the brine.

Refrigerate from 4 hours to overnight.  Thinner smaller items need less.  Something as large as a turkey needs at least overnight.

When done, remove meat from brine, rinse, and prepare as you usually do.

Note: To figure out how much water you'll need, place your meat in the container, add water to cover, remove meat and measure water.