Ethiopian Lentils

Serves: 6


Boil the lentils in water for 5 minutes.  Drain, reserving liquid.

In 4 quart saucepot, sauté the Anaheim chili's and onions in the spiced butter until the onions are tender.

Add the lentils, 4 cups of the reserved liquid, and the remaining ingredients.  Bring to a simmer.

Cook, covered, over low heat, 35-40 minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking.

Enjoy with fresh, warm, sourdough Injera.

Spiced Butter

This spicy butter is an ingredient in many African Dishes

Mix well.  Cover, store until needed.


This is a fragrant and delicious African Spice Blend built around Paprika.  It is the traditional Ethiopian seasoning for lentils and beans.  You can use it with just about any combination of vegetables, whole-grains, and legumes.


Mix all ingredients together in a small bowl.  Store in an airtight container.

Yield: About 1/4 cup, Calories: 12 per Tbls., Fat: 1g, fiber 1g.